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Orestiada Evros

Evros River is the eastern boundary between Greece and Turkey. It comes from the Rila mountain in Bulgaria and flowing southeast tributary of the Thracian Sea. Entering Greece from Ormenio, a small part of it, and it is the natural border between Greece and Bulgaria. From New Vissa to its mouth, it is the border line between Greece and Turkey. Its total length is 530chlm., from which 230km. belong to Greek territory. It is one of the largest rivers of the Balkan peninsula. Its tributaries are Erythropotamos in Greece, Ardas in Greece and Bulgaria, Tountzas in Bulgaria and Turkey and Erginis in Turkey. The landscape of the river Evros from Dereio to the sea, presents a wide variety of habitats rich in flora and fauna. Notable are the forest Dadia - Lefkimi - Soufli, the canyons and forests in the areas Circe - Avantas - Aisymis, as well as the area of the river Ardas. In the area of the river, there are measured 36 protected or endangered species of mammals (including Vidra, jackal and wild cat), 10 species of birds (including the Black Stork, the Eagle and White-tailed) and 17 species of reptiles and amphibians.